Quetta Customs foil huge attempt of sugar smuggling to Afghanistan

Quetta Customs foil huge attempt of sugar smuggling to Afghanistan

Thousands of parcels of sugar were seized from 20 trucks in two different operations in one day. The market value of seized sugar and seized vehicles is around Rs 70 crore.

According to details share by sources of Quetta Customs said that during first action the Customs Field Enforcement Unit at Manikhwa border adjacent to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa intercepted a huge convoy of 15 trucks coming from Dera Ismail Khan in Danasir and seized 8206 parcels of sugar from them. These vehicles were traveling without a permit inside Balochistan province. lateron these trucks were being sent to the border areas, the following operations were carried out in co-operation with the police.

The value of goods and vehicles seized during the operations is around Rs 70 crore. Vehicles used for smuggling were also seized. It should be noted that Quetta Customs has seized 1637.22 metric tons of sugar during the months of July and August 2023 with very little manpower and unfavorable conditions. The price of which, along with the value of the vehicles used for smuggling, is around one billion rupees.

Due to the day and night efforts of the existing customs team, attempts to take sugar out of the country across the province have been hit hard. Chief Collector Abdul Qadir Memon and Collector Enforcement Quetta Irfan Ur Rehman Khan Additional Collector Umar Shafiq, and Deputy Collector Moeed Kanju, organized a team with field enforcement units Manikhawa in-charge Inspector Bashir Tabasim. Inspector Haris Bishr, Inspector Nadeem Tahir and constables have participated.