Customs Intelligence Karachi recovered container sealing devices of Afghan transit trade

Customs Intelligence Karachi recovered container sealing devices of Afghan transit trade

With the help of Rangers and police the Customs Intelligence Karachi made a major operation against smuggled cloth warehouses in Jamia Cloth Lucknow Market and seized smuggled goods worth 80 crores.

According to details, Aram Bagh area adjacent to Jama Cloth Lucknow Market became a battleground when Customs Intelligence with the help of Police and Rangers cracked down on warehouses of smuggled non-customs paid goods. In response, Rangers fired shells to disperse the crowd.

Talking to the media, Director Customs Intelligence Engr Habib Ahmad said that the goods worth crores smuggled from Afghanistan in more than a dozen trucks have been seized by the Customs Intelligence with the help of other law enforcement agencies and cases have been registered. He said that during the raids, the devices for sealing the containers of Afghan transit trade have also been recovered.

The director of intelligence Karachi further said that an increase in the volume of $2 billion $200 million dollars has been revealed in Afghan transit trade, which was $4 billion dollars. Giving details, he said that the volume of Afghan transit trade was $4 billion dollars in 2021, which increased to $6.7 billion dollars this year. in which it is more likely that the goods going into Afghan transit trade come back to Pakistan from Afghanistan.

He said that financiers and owners of seized contraband have also been identified. In recent crackdowns, huge quantities of smuggled cloth, cigarettes, chalia and electronic items have been seized.

Telling the details of comparative seizers performance during first quarter of current and correspondence period of Directorate of I&I Karachi, Director Engr Habib Ahmad said that the Directorate seizes Rs 1.392 billion of smuggled goods during first quarter of FY2023-24.

Talking with he said that Directorate of I&I (Intelligence and Investigation) Karachi seized Rs 1.079 billion additional smuggled goods as compare to same correspondence period of 2022-23.

Engr Ahmad explained that during first quarter of current financial year 23-24 the Directorate of I&I Karachi respectively in month of September seizes Rs 1.104 billions of smuggled goods registering 38 number of cases while during month of August 23-24 seized smuggled goods in worth of Rs 88 million registering 16 number of cases whereas during month of July I&I registering 13 cases worth Rs 200 millions.

The Director stated that during first quarter of FY22-23 the Directorate of I&I Karachi was registered 39 number of cases against smugglers in value of Rs 213 million while respectively during month of September 22-23, the Directorate was registered 11 number of cases in worth of Rs 74 million while registered 13 cases in month of August 22-23 in value of Rs 51 million as well as during correspondence month of July I&I Karachi was registered cases in number of 15 in worth of Rs 88 million.