accountability of SOEs ensures prosperity in the economy: Shamshad Akhtar

accountability of SOEs ensures prosperity in the economy: Shamshad Akhtar

Shamshad Akhtar emphasis the commitment of the govt to expanding the tax base and addressing energy sector issues for a robust economy.

The Federal Minister for Finance, Revenue, and Economic Affairs Dr. Shamshad Akhter held a meeting with members of @The PBC (The Pakistan Business Council).

Dr. Shamshad Akhtar reiterated the commitment of the govt to expanding the tax base and addressing energy sector issues for a robust economy. She stressed upon significance of enhancing governance and accountability in the SOEs to ensure prosperity in the economy.

It is high time accountability along with performance delivery is evaluated of all these SOEs and robust system is in place which will lead to Annual Performance appraisals. GOP has to ensure this.