Nauman Ijaz is the only person Khalilur Rehman Qamar hates in the world

Renowned Pakistani screen writer and director Khalilur Rehman Qamar has launched a scathing attack on actor Nauman Ijaz, stating that he is the person he "hates the most" in the world.

Qamar is a well-known but controversial figure in the Pakistani entertainment industry. He has often courted controversy for his outspoken views, which have drawn widespread criticism and are perceived as misogynistic sometimes.

Living up to his reputation, Qamar described Ejaz as a "despicable man," adding that while he may feel anger towards others, his sole hatred is reserved for the actor.

"In the entire world, the only person I hate is Nauman Ijaz. He is a terrible man," the controversial screenwriter said.

The playwright revealed that he had cast Ijaz in a negative role in one of his dramas, stating that the actor did not have to put in much effort as he already embodied the characteristics of the character.

"Nauman Ijaz is certainly a good actor, but he is not a good person. Even though I dislike him, I have still accommodated him," Qamar added.

The writer-director acknowledged the potential backlash from Ijaz’s admirers, stating, "Naumaan Ijaz may be a talented actor, but he is not a good human being. In social settings, if you encounter someone you detest, it’s best to exchange pleasantries briefly and move on to avoid disrupting the environment."

Some of Qamar's other controversial remarks include his comments on the MeToo movement, where he dismissed it as a "fashion" and accused women of provoking men.

He has also faced backlash for his portrayal of women in his dramas, which many have criticised as regressive and misogynistic

Read the full story at the express tribune website.