Customs I&I seizes smuggled petrol, cigarettes and narcotics worth Rs139 million

Customs I&I seizes smuggled petrol, cigarettes and narcotics worth Rs139 million

The Directorate of Customs I&I (Intelligence and Investigation) Peshawar seized a tanker carrying 45,000 litres petrol in the garb of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons worth Rs23 millions.

According to details in line with the directions of worthy Ali Raza Hinjra the Director General, the Directorate of I&I Peshawar under guidence of Shafqat Niazi Director I&I Peshawar has geared up anti smuggling operations despite precarious security situation in KP.

Today Directorate seized a tanker carrying 45,000 litres petrol in the garb of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, the total value of goods and vehicle estimated Rs.23 million

Including the petrol seizure during last whole week, total Value of seizures comes to Rs 139 million which included cigarettes, dry milk, cosmetics, food items, plastic bags and narcotics.